Source code for jams.schema

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Namespace management

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


from __future__ import print_function

import json
import os
import copy
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import numpy as np
import jsonschema

from .exceptions import NamespaceError, JamsError

__all__ = ['add_namespace', 'namespace', 'is_dense', 'values', 'get_dtypes', 'VALIDATOR']

__NAMESPACE__ = dict()

[docs]def add_namespace(filename): '''Add a namespace definition to our working set. Namespace files consist of partial JSON schemas defining the behavior of the `value` and `confidence` fields of an Annotation. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to json file defining the namespace object ''' with open(filename, mode='r') as fileobj: __NAMESPACE__.update(json.load(fileobj))
[docs]def namespace(ns_key): '''Construct a validation schema for a given namespace. Parameters ---------- ns_key : str Namespace key identifier (eg, 'beat' or 'segment_tut') Returns ------- schema : dict JSON schema of `namespace` ''' if ns_key not in __NAMESPACE__: raise NamespaceError('Unknown namespace: {:s}'.format(ns_key)) sch = copy.deepcopy(JAMS_SCHEMA['definitions']['SparseObservation']) for key in ['value', 'confidence']: try: sch['properties'][key] = __NAMESPACE__[ns_key][key] except KeyError: pass return sch
[docs]def namespace_array(ns_key): '''Construct a validation schema for arrays of a given namespace. Parameters ---------- ns_key : str Namespace key identifier Returns ------- schema : dict JSON schema of `namespace` observation arrays ''' obs_sch = namespace(ns_key) obs_sch['title'] = 'Observation' sch = copy.deepcopy(JAMS_SCHEMA['definitions']['SparseObservationList']) sch['items'] = obs_sch return sch
[docs]def is_dense(ns_key): '''Determine whether a namespace has dense formatting. Parameters ---------- ns_key : str Namespace key identifier Returns ------- dense : bool True if `ns_key` has a dense packing False otherwise. ''' if ns_key not in __NAMESPACE__: raise NamespaceError('Unknown namespace: {:s}'.format(ns_key)) return __NAMESPACE__[ns_key]['dense']
[docs]def values(ns_key): '''Return the allowed values for an enumerated namespace. Parameters ---------- ns_key : str Namespace key identifier Returns ------- values : list Raises ------ NamespaceError If `ns_key` is not found, or does not have enumerated values Examples -------- >>> jams.schema.values('tag_gtzan') ['blues', 'classical', 'country', 'disco', 'hip-hop', 'jazz', 'metal', 'pop', 'reggae', 'rock'] ''' if ns_key not in __NAMESPACE__: raise NamespaceError('Unknown namespace: {:s}'.format(ns_key)) if 'enum' not in __NAMESPACE__[ns_key]['value']: raise NamespaceError('Namespace {:s} is not enumerated'.format(ns_key)) return copy.copy(__NAMESPACE__[ns_key]['value']['enum'])
[docs]def get_dtypes(ns_key): '''Get the dtypes associated with the value and confidence fields for a given namespace. Parameters ---------- ns_key : str The namespace key in question Returns ------- value_dtype, confidence_dtype : numpy.dtype Type identifiers for value and confidence fields. ''' # First, get the schema if ns_key not in __NAMESPACE__: raise NamespaceError('Unknown namespace: {:s}'.format(ns_key)) value_dtype = __get_dtype(__NAMESPACE__[ns_key].get('value', {})) confidence_dtype = __get_dtype(__NAMESPACE__[ns_key].get('confidence', {})) return value_dtype, confidence_dtype
[docs]def list_namespaces(): '''Print out a listing of available namespaces''' print('{:30s}\t{:40s}'.format('NAME', 'DESCRIPTION')) print('-' * 78) for sch in sorted(__NAMESPACE__): desc = __NAMESPACE__[sch]['description'] desc = (desc[:44] + '..') if len(desc) > 46 else desc print('{:30s}\t{:40s}'.format(sch, desc))
# Mapping of js primitives to numpy types __TYPE_MAP__ = dict(integer=np.int_, boolean=np.bool_, number=np.float_, object=np.object_, array=np.object_, string=np.object_, null=np.float_) def __get_dtype(typespec): '''Get the dtype associated with a jsonschema type definition Parameters ---------- typespec : dict The schema definition Returns ------- dtype : numpy.dtype The associated dtype ''' if 'type' in typespec: return __TYPE_MAP__.get(typespec['type'], np.object_) elif 'enum' in typespec: # Enums map to objects return np.object_ elif 'oneOf' in typespec: # Recurse types = [__get_dtype(v) for v in typespec['oneOf']] # If they're not all equal, return object if all([t == types[0] for t in types]): return types[0] return np.object_ def __load_jams_schema(): '''Load the schema file from the package.''' schema_file = os.path.join(SCHEMA_DIR, 'jams_schema.json') jams_schema = None with open(resource_filename(__name__, schema_file), mode='r') as fdesc: jams_schema = json.load(fdesc) if jams_schema is None: raise JamsError('Unable to load JAMS schema') return jams_schema # Populate the schemata SCHEMA_DIR = 'schemata' NS_SCHEMA_DIR = os.path.join(SCHEMA_DIR, 'namespaces') JAMS_SCHEMA = __load_jams_schema() VALIDATOR = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(JAMS_SCHEMA)