

  • Added schemata for tag_urbansound and scaper (PR #191)
  • Fixed a timing bug in Annotation.slice (PR #189)
  • Added display mapping for tag_open namespaces (PR #188)
  • Updated sortedcontainers dependency to avoid deprecations (PR #187)


  • Improved documentation (PR #176)
  • Added Annotation.to_samples (PR #173)
  • Added schemata for FMA genre tags (PR #172)
  • Accelerated validation (PR #170)
  • Added schemata for AudioSet tags (PR #168)
  • Added jams.list_namespaces() (PR #166)


  • Removed the JamsFrame class and replaced the underlying observation storage data structure (PR #149).
  • import_lab now returns only an Annotation and does not construct a JAMS object (PR #154)
  • Accelerated pitch contour sonification (PR #155)
  • Migrated all tests from nosetest to py.test (PR #157)
  • Improved repr() and added HTML rendering for JAMS objects in notebooks (PR #158)
  • Fixed a JSON serialization bug with numpy datatypes (PR #160)


  • Deprecated the JamsFrame class (PR #153):
    • Moved JamsFrame.to_interval_values() to Annotation.to_interval_values()
    • Any code that uses pandas.DataFrame methods on will cease to work starting in 0.3.0.
  • Forward compatibility with 0.3.0 (PR #153):
  • added type safety check in regexp search (PR #146).
  • added support for pandas=0.20 (PR #150).


  • added __contains__ method to JObject (PR #139).
  • Implemented JAMS.trim() method (PR #136).
  • Updates to the SALAMI tag namespaces (PR #134).
  • added infer_duration flag to import_lab (PR #125).
  • namespace conversion validates input (PR #123).
  • Refactored the pitch namespaces (PR #121).
  • Fancy indexing for annotation arrays (PR #120).
  • jams.schema.values function to access enumerated types (PR #119).
  • jams.display submodule (PR #115).
  • support for mir_eval >= 0.3 (PR #106).
  • Automatic conversion between namespaces (PR #105).
  • Fixed a type error in jams_to_lab (PR #94).
  • jams.sonify module for sonification (PR #91).


New features
  • eval support for hierarchical segmentation via the multi_segment namespace (PR #79).
  • Local namespace management (PR #75).
  • Python 3.5 support (PR #73).
  • now allows matching objects by equality (PR #71).
  • multi_segment namespace for multi-level structural segmentations. (PR #69).
  • vector namespace for numerical vector data (PR #64).
  • blob namespace for unstructured, time-keyed observation data (PR #63).
  • tag_msd_tagtraum_cd1 and tag_msd_tagtraum_cd2 namespaces for genre tags (PR #83).
Schema changes
  • Annotation objects now have time and duration fields which encode the interval over which the annotation is valid. (PR #67).
Bug fixes
  • Appending data to Annotation or JamsFrame objects now fails if time or duration are ill-specified. (PR #87).