Source code for jams.core

Core functionality

This library provides an interface for reading JAMS into Python, or creating
them programatically.

.. currentmodule:: jams

Function reference
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


Object reference
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/
    :template: class.rst


import json
from collections import namedtuple

import os
import re
import warnings
import contextlib
import gzip
import six

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import jsonschema
from sortedcontainers import SortedKeyList
from decorator import decorator

from .version import version as __VERSION__
from . import schema
from .exceptions import JamsError, SchemaError, ParameterError

__all__ = ['load',
           'JObject', 'Sandbox',
           'Annotation', 'Curator', 'AnnotationMetadata',
           'FileMetadata', 'AnnotationArray', 'JAMS',

def deprecated(version, version_removed):
    '''This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions
    as deprecated.

    It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used.'''

    def __wrapper(func, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Warn the user, and then proceed.'''
        code = six.get_function_code(func)
            "{:s}.{:s}\n\tDeprecated as of JAMS version {:s}."
            "\n\tIt will be removed in JAMS version {:s}."
            .format(func.__module__, func.__name__,
                    version, version_removed),
            lineno=code.co_firstlineno + 1
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return decorator(__wrapper)

def _open(name_or_fdesc, mode='r', fmt='auto'):
    '''An intelligent wrapper for ``open``.

    name_or_fdesc : string-type or open file descriptor
        If a string type, refers to the path to a file on disk.

        If an open file descriptor, it is returned as-is.

    mode : string
        The mode with which to open the file.
        See ``open`` for details.

    fmt : string ['auto', 'jams', 'json', 'jamz']
        The encoding for the input/output stream.

        If `auto`, the format is inferred from the filename extension.

        Otherwise, use the specified coding.

    See Also

    open_map = {'jams': open,
                'json': open,

    # If we've been given an open descriptor, do the right thing
    if hasattr(name_or_fdesc, 'read') or hasattr(name_or_fdesc, 'write'):
        yield name_or_fdesc

    elif isinstance(name_or_fdesc, six.string_types):
        # Infer the opener from the extension

        if fmt == 'auto':
            _, ext = os.path.splitext(name_or_fdesc)

            # Pull off the extension separator
            ext = ext[1:]
            ext = fmt

            ext = ext.lower()

            # Force text mode if we're using gzip
            if ext in ['jamz', 'gz'] and 't' not in mode:
                mode = '{:s}t'.format(mode)

            with open_map[ext](name_or_fdesc, mode=mode) as fdesc:
                yield fdesc

        except KeyError:
            raise ParameterError('Unknown JAMS extension '
                                 'format: "{:s}"'.format(ext))

        # Don't know how to handle this. Raise a parameter error
        raise ParameterError('Invalid filename or '
                             'descriptor: {}'.format(name_or_fdesc))

[docs]def load(path_or_file, validate=True, strict=True, fmt='auto'): r"""Load a JAMS Annotation from a file. Parameters ---------- path_or_file : str or file-like Path to the JAMS file to load OR An open file handle to load from. validate : bool Attempt to validate the JAMS object strict : bool if `validate == True`, enforce strict schema validation fmt : str ['auto', 'jams', 'jamz'] The encoding format of the input If `auto`, encoding is inferred from the file name. If the input is an open file handle, `jams` encoding is used. Returns ------- jam : JAMS The loaded JAMS object Raises ------ SchemaError if `validate == True`, `strict==True`, and validation fails See also -------- JAMS.validate Examples -------- >>> # Load a jams object from a file name >>> J = jams.load('data.jams') >>> # Or from an open file descriptor >>> with open('data.jams', 'r') as fdesc: ... J = jams.load(fdesc) >>> # Non-strict validation >>> J = jams.load('data.jams', strict=False) >>> # No validation at all >>> J = jams.load('data.jams', validate=False) """ with _open(path_or_file, mode='r', fmt=fmt) as fdesc: jam = JAMS(**json.load(fdesc)) if validate: jam.validate(strict=strict) return jam
[docs]class JObject(object): r"""Dict-like object for JSON Serialization. This object behaves like a dictionary to allow init-level attribute names, seamless JSON-serialization, and double-star style unpacking (** obj). By setting the `type` attribute to a defined schema entry, only the fields allowed by the schema are permitted as attributes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): '''Construct a new JObject Parameters ---------- kwargs Each keyword argument becomes an attribute with the specified value Examples -------- >>> J = jams.JObject(foo=5) >>> 5 >>> dict(J) {'foo': 5} ''' super(JObject, self).__init__() for name, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): setattr(self, name, value)
@property def __schema__(self): '''The schema definition for this JObject, if it exists. Returns ------- schema : dict or None ''' return schema.JAMS_SCHEMA['definitions'].get(self.type, None) @property def __json__(self): r"""Return the JObject as a set of native data types for serialization. Note: attributes beginning with underscores are suppressed. """ filtered_dict = dict() for k, item in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): if k.startswith('_'): continue if hasattr(item, '__json__'): filtered_dict[k] = item.__json__ else: filtered_dict[k] = serialize_obj(item) return filtered_dict @classmethod def __json_init__(cls, **kwargs): """Initialize the object from a dictionary of values""" return cls(**kwargs) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and (self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.__json__) def __getitem__(self, key): """Dict-style interface""" return self.__dict__[key] def __setattr__(self, name, value): if self.__schema__ is not None: props = self.__schema__['properties'] if name not in props: raise SchemaError("Attribute {} not in {}" .format(name, props.keys())) self.__dict__[name] = value def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.__dict__ def __len__(self): return len(self.keys()) def __repr__(self): """Render the object alongside its attributes.""" indent = len(self.type) + 2 jstr = ',\n' + ' ' * indent props = self._display_properties() params = jstr.join('{:}={:}'.format(p, summary(self[p], indent=indent)) for (p, dp) in props) return '<{}({:})>'.format(self.type, params) def _display_properties(self): '''Returns a list of tuples (key, display_name) for properties of this object''' return sorted([(k, k) for k in self.__dict__]) def _repr_html_(self): props = self._display_properties() if not props: return '' out = '<div class="panel-group">' for (prop, dprop) in props: content = summary_html(self[prop]) prop_class = 'default' if not content: prop_class = 'danger' out += '<div class="panel panel-{}">'.format(prop_class) if (isinstance(self[prop], (JObject, AnnotationArray, dict)) and content): # These classes should have collapses div_id = _get_divid(self[prop]) out += r'''<div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="heading-{0}"> <button type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#{0}" aria-expanded="false" class="collapsed btn btn-block btn-primary" aria-controls="{0}"> {1:s}'''.format(div_id, dprop) if isinstance(self[prop], AnnotationArray): out += r'''<span class="badge pull-right"> {:d} </span>'''.format(len(self[prop])) out += r''' </button></div>''' if content: out += r'''<div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="{0}" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="hading{0}"> <div class="panel-body"> {1} </div> </div>'''.format(div_id, content) else: out += r'''<div class="panel-heading"> {}&nbsp; <span class="pull-right"><em>{}</em></span> </div>'''.format(dprop, content) out += '</div>' out += '</div>' return out def __summary__(self): return '<{}(...)>'.format(self.type) def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.__json__, indent=2)
[docs] def dumps(self, **kwargs): '''Serialize the JObject to a string. Parameters ---------- kwargs Keyword arguments to json.dumps Returns ------- object_str : str Serialized JObject See Also -------- json.dumps loads Examples -------- >>> J = jams.JObject(foo=5, bar='baz') >>> J.dumps() '{"foo": 5, "bar": "baz"}' ''' return json.dumps(self.__json__, **kwargs)
[docs] def keys(self): """Return a list of the attributes of the object. Returns ------- keys : list The attributes of the object Examples -------- >>> J = jams.JObject(foo=5, bar='baz') >>> J.keys() ['foo', 'bar'] """ return self.__dict__.keys()
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): '''Update the attributes of a JObject. Parameters ---------- kwargs Keyword arguments of the form `attribute=new_value` Examples -------- >>> J = jams.JObject(foo=5) >>> J.dumps() '{"foo": 5}' >>> J.update(bar='baz') >>> J.dumps() '{"foo": 5, "bar": "baz"}' ''' for name, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): setattr(self, name, value)
@property def type(self): '''The type (class name) of a derived JObject type''' return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls, string): '''De-serialize a JObject Parameters ---------- string : str A serialized (JSON string) JObject Returns ------- J : JObject The input string reconstructed as a JObject See Also -------- json.loads dumps Examples -------- >>> J = jams.JObject(foo=5, bar='baz') >>> J.dumps() '{"foo": 5, "bar": "baz"}' >>> jams.JObject.loads(J.dumps()) <JObject foo, bar> ''' return cls.__json_init__(**json.loads(string))
[docs] def search(self, **kwargs): '''Query this object (and its descendants). Parameters ---------- kwargs Each `(key, value)` pair encodes a search field in `key` and a target value in `value`. `key` must be a string, and should correspond to a property in the JAMS object hierarchy, e.g., 'Annotation.namespace` or `email` `value` must be either an object (tested for equality), a string describing a search pattern (regular expression), or a lambda function which evaluates to `True` if the candidate object matches the search criteria and `False` otherwise. Returns ------- match : bool `True` if any of the search keys match the specified value, `False` otherwise, or if the search keys do not exist within the object. Examples -------- >>> J = jams.JObject(foo=5, needle='quick brown fox') >>>'.*brown.*') True >>>'.*orange.*') False >>>'.*brown.*') False >>> True >>> False >>> x: x < 10) True >>> x: x > 10) False ''' match = False r_query = {} myself = self.__class__.__name__ # Pop this object name off the query for k, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): k_pop = query_pop(k, myself) if k_pop: r_query[k_pop] = value if not r_query: return False for key in r_query: if hasattr(self, key): match |= match_query(getattr(self, key), r_query[key]) if not match: for attr in dir(self): obj = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(obj, JObject): match |=**r_query) return match
[docs] def validate(self, strict=True): '''Validate a JObject against its schema Parameters ---------- strict : bool Enforce strict schema validation Returns ------- valid : bool True if the jam validates False if not, and `strict==False` Raises ------ SchemaError If `strict==True` and `jam` fails validation ''' valid = True try: jsonschema.validate(self.__json__, self.__schema__) except jsonschema.ValidationError as invalid: if strict: raise SchemaError(str(invalid)) else: warnings.warn(str(invalid)) valid = False return valid
Observation = namedtuple('Observation', ['time', 'duration', 'value', 'confidence']) '''Core observation type: (time, duration, value, confidence).'''
[docs]class Sandbox(JObject): """Sandbox (unconstrained) Functionally identical to JObjects, but the class hierarchy might be confusing if all objects inherit from Sandboxes.""" pass
[docs]class Annotation(JObject): """Annotation base class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, namespace, data=None, annotation_metadata=None, sandbox=None, time=0, duration=None): """Create an Annotation. Note that, if an argument is None, an empty Annotation is created in its place. Additionally, a dictionary matching the expected structure of the arguments will be parsed (i.e. instantiating from JSON). Parameters ---------- namespace : str The namespace for this annotation data : dict of lists, list of dicts, or list of Observations Data for the new annotation annotation_metadata : AnnotationMetadata (or dict), default=None. Metadata corresponding to this Annotation. sandbox : Sandbox (dict), default=None Miscellaneous information; keep to native datatypes if possible. time : non-negative number The starting time for this annotation duration : non-negative number The duration of this annotation """ super(Annotation, self).__init__() if annotation_metadata is None: annotation_metadata = AnnotationMetadata() self.annotation_metadata = AnnotationMetadata(**annotation_metadata) self.namespace = namespace = SortedKeyList(key=self._key) if data is not None: if isinstance(data, dict): self.append_columns(data) else: self.append_records(data) if sandbox is None: sandbox = Sandbox() self.sandbox = Sandbox(**sandbox) self.time = time self.duration = duration
def _display_properties(self): return [('namespace', 'Namespace'), ('time', 'Time'), ('duration', 'Duration'), ('annotation_metadata', 'Annotation metadata'), ('data', 'Data'), ('sandbox', 'Sandbox')]
[docs] def append(self, time=None, duration=None, value=None, confidence=None): '''Append an observation to the data field Parameters ---------- time : float >= 0 duration : float >= 0 The time and duration of the new observation, in seconds value confidence The value and confidence of the new observations. Types and values should conform to the namespace of the Annotation object. Examples -------- >>> ann = jams.Annotation(namespace='chord') >>> ann.append(time=3, duration=2, value='E#') ''', duration=float(duration), value=value, confidence=confidence))
[docs] def append_records(self, records): '''Add observations from row-major storage. This is primarily useful for deserializing sparsely packed data. Parameters ---------- records : iterable of dicts or Observations Each element of `records` corresponds to one observation. ''' for obs in records: if isinstance(obs, Observation): self.append(**obs._asdict()) else: self.append(**obs)
[docs] def append_columns(self, columns): '''Add observations from column-major storage. This is primarily used for deserializing densely packed data. Parameters ---------- columns : dict of lists Keys must be `time, duration, value, confidence`, and each much be a list of equal length. ''' self.append_records([dict(time=t, duration=d, value=v, confidence=c) for (t, d, v, c) in['time'], columns['duration'], columns['value'], columns['confidence'])])
[docs] def validate(self, strict=True): '''Validate this annotation object against the JAMS schema, and its data against the namespace schema. Parameters ---------- strict : bool If `True`, then schema violations will cause an Exception. If `False`, then schema violations will issue a warning. Returns ------- valid : bool `True` if the object conforms to schema. `False` if the object fails to conform to schema, but `strict == False`. Raises ------ SchemaError If `strict == True` and the object fails validation See Also -------- JObject.validate ''' # Get the schema for this annotation ann_schema = schema.namespace_array(self.namespace) valid = True try: jsonschema.validate(self.__json_light__(data=False), schema.JAMS_SCHEMA) # validate each record in the frame data_ser = [serialize_obj(obs) for obs in] jsonschema.validate(data_ser, ann_schema) except jsonschema.ValidationError as invalid: if strict: raise SchemaError(str(invalid)) else: warnings.warn(str(invalid)) valid = False return valid
[docs] def trim(self, start_time, end_time, strict=False): ''' Trim the annotation and return as a new `Annotation` object. Trimming will result in the new annotation only containing observations that occur in the intersection of the time range spanned by the annotation and the time range specified by the user. The new annotation will span the time range ``[trim_start, trim_end]`` where ``trim_start = max(self.time, start_time)`` and ``trim_end = min(self.time + self.duration, end_time)``. If ``strict=False`` (default) observations that start before ``trim_start`` and end after it will be trimmed such that they start at ``trim_start``, and similarly observations that start before ``trim_end`` and end after it will be trimmed to end at ``trim_end``. If ``strict=True`` such borderline observations will be discarded. The new duration of the annotation will be ``trim_end - trim_start``. Note that if the range defined by ``[start_time, end_time]`` doesn't intersect with the original time range spanned by the annotation the resulting annotation will contain no observations, will have the same start time as the original annotation and have duration 0. This function also copies over all the annotation metadata from the original annotation and documents the trim operation by adding a list of tuples to the annotation's sandbox keyed by ``Annotation.sandbox.trim`` which documents each trim operation with a tuple ``(start_time, end_time, trim_start, trim_end)``. Parameters ---------- start_time : float The desired start time for the trimmed annotation in seconds. end_time The desired end time for the trimmed annotation in seconds. Must be greater than ``start_time``. strict : bool When ``False`` (default) observations that lie at the boundaries of the trimming range (given by ``[trim_start, trim_end]`` as described above), i.e. observations that start before and end after either the trim start or end time, will have their time and/or duration adjusted such that only the part of the observation that lies within the trim range is kept. When ``True`` such observations are discarded and not included in the trimmed annotation. Returns ------- ann_trimmed : Annotation The trimmed annotation, returned as a new jams.Annotation object. If the trim range specified by ``[start_time, end_time]`` does not intersect at all with the original time range of the annotation a warning will be issued and the returned annotation will be empty. Raises ------ ParameterError If ``end_time`` is not greater than ``start_time``. Examples -------- >>> ann = jams.Annotation(namespace='tag_open', time=2, duration=8) >>> ann.append(time=2, duration=2, value='one') >>> ann.append(time=4, duration=2, value='two') >>> ann.append(time=6, duration=2, value='three') >>> ann.append(time=7, duration=2, value='four') >>> ann.append(time=8, duration=2, value='five') >>> ann_trim = ann.trim(5, 8, strict=False) >>> print(ann_trim.time, ann_trim.duration) (5, 3) >>> ann_trim.to_dataframe() time duration value confidence 0 5 1 two None 1 6 2 three None 2 7 1 four None >>> ann_trim_strict = ann.trim(5, 8, strict=True) >>> print(ann_trim_strict.time, ann_trim_strict.duration) (5, 3) >>> ann_trim_strict.to_dataframe() time duration value confidence 0 6 2 three None ''' # Check for basic start_time and end_time validity if end_time <= start_time: raise ParameterError( 'end_time must be greater than start_time.') # If the annotation does not have a set duration value, we'll assume # trimming is possible (up to the user to ensure this is valid). if self.duration is None: orig_time = start_time orig_duration = end_time - start_time warnings.warn( "Annotation.duration is not defined, cannot check " "for temporal intersection, assuming the annotation " "is valid between start_time and end_time.") else: orig_time = self.time orig_duration = self.duration # Check whether there is intersection between the trim range and # annotation: if not raise a warning and set trim_start and trim_end # appropriately. if start_time > (orig_time + orig_duration) or (end_time < orig_time): warnings.warn( 'Time range defined by [start_time,end_time] does not ' 'intersect with the time range spanned by this annotation, ' 'the trimmed annotation will be empty.') trim_start = self.time trim_end = trim_start else: # Determine new range trim_start = max(orig_time, start_time) trim_end = min(orig_time + orig_duration, end_time) # Create new annotation with same namespace/metadata ann_trimmed = Annotation( self.namespace, data=None, annotation_metadata=self.annotation_metadata, sandbox=self.sandbox, time=trim_start, duration=trim_end - trim_start) # Selectively add observations based on their start time / duration # We do this rather than copying and directly manipulating the # annotation' data frame (which might be faster) since this way trim is # independent of the internal data representation. for obs in obs_start = obs.time obs_end = obs_start + obs.duration if obs_start < trim_end and obs_end > trim_start: new_start = max(obs_start, trim_start) new_end = min(obs_end, trim_end) new_duration = new_end - new_start if ((not strict) or (new_start == obs_start and new_end == obs_end)): ann_trimmed.append(time=new_start, duration=new_duration, value=obs.value, confidence=obs.confidence) if 'trim' not in ann_trimmed.sandbox.keys(): ann_trimmed.sandbox.update( trim=[{'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'trim_start': trim_start, 'trim_end': trim_end}]) else: ann_trimmed.sandbox.trim.append( {'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'trim_start': trim_start, 'trim_end': trim_end}) return ann_trimmed
[docs] def slice(self, start_time, end_time, strict=False): ''' Slice the annotation and return as a new `Annotation` object. Slicing has the same effect as trimming (see `Annotation.trim`) except that while trimming does not modify the start time of the annotation or the observations it contains, slicing will set the new annotation's start time to ``max(0, trimmed_annotation.time - start_time)`` and the start time of its observations will be set with respect to this new reference start time. This function documents the slice operation by adding a list of tuples to the annotation's sandbox keyed by ``Annotation.sandbox.slice`` which documents each slice operation with a tuple ``(start_time, end_time, slice_start, slice_end)``, where ``slice_start`` and ``slice_end`` are given by ``trim_start`` and ``trim_end`` (see `Annotation.trim`). Since slicing is implemented using trimming, the trimming operation will also be documented in ``Annotation.sandbox.trim`` as described in `Annotation.trim`. This function is useful for example when trimming an audio file, allowing the user to trim the annotation while ensuring all time information matches the new trimmed audio file. Parameters ---------- start_time : float The desired start time for slicing in seconds. end_time The desired end time for slicing in seconds. Must be greater than ``start_time``. strict : bool When ``False`` (default) observations that lie at the boundaries of the slice (see `Annotation.trim` for details) will have their time and/or duration adjusted such that only the part of the observation that lies within the slice range is kept. When ``True`` such observations are discarded and not included in the sliced annotation. Returns ------- sliced_ann : Annotation The sliced annotation. See Also -------- Annotation.trim Examples -------- >>> ann = jams.Annotation(namespace='tag_open', time=2, duration=8) >>> ann.append(time=2, duration=2, value='one') >>> ann.append(time=4, duration=2, value='two') >>> ann.append(time=6, duration=2, value='three') >>> ann.append(time=7, duration=2, value='four') >>> ann.append(time=8, duration=2, value='five') >>> ann_slice = ann.slice(5, 8, strict=False) >>> print(ann_slice.time, ann_slice.duration) (0, 3) >>> ann_slice.to_dataframe() time duration value confidence 0 0.0 1.0 two None 1 1.0 2.0 three None 2 2.0 1.0 four None >>> ann_slice_strict = ann.slice(5, 8, strict=True) >>> print(ann_slice_strict.time, ann_slice_strict.duration) (0, 3) >>> ann_slice_strict.to_dataframe() time duration value confidence 0 1.0 2.0 three None ''' # start by trimming the annotation sliced_ann = self.trim(start_time, end_time, strict=strict) raw_data = sliced_ann.pop_data() # now adjust the start time of the annotation and the observations it # contains. for obs in raw_data: new_time = max(0, obs.time - start_time) # if obs.time > start_time, # duration doesn't change # if obs.time < start_time, # duration shrinks by start_time - obs.time sliced_ann.append(time=new_time, duration=obs.duration, value=obs.value, confidence=obs.confidence) ref_time = sliced_ann.time slice_start = ref_time slice_end = ref_time + sliced_ann.duration if 'slice' not in sliced_ann.sandbox.keys(): sliced_ann.sandbox.update( slice=[{'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'slice_start': slice_start, 'slice_end': slice_end}]) else: sliced_ann.sandbox.slice.append( {'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time, 'slice_start': slice_start, 'slice_end': slice_end}) # Update the timing for the sliced annotation sliced_ann.time = max(0, ref_time - start_time) return sliced_ann
[docs] def pop_data(self): '''Replace this observation's data with a fresh container. Returns ------- annotation_data : SortedKeyList The original annotation data container ''' data = = SortedKeyList(key=self._key) return data
[docs] def to_interval_values(self): '''Extract observation data in a `mir_eval`-friendly format. Returns ------- intervals : np.ndarray [shape=(n, 2), dtype=float] Start- and end-times of all valued intervals `intervals[i, :] = [time[i], time[i] + duration[i]]` labels : list List view of value field. ''' ints, vals = [], [] for obs in ints.append([obs.time, obs.time + obs.duration]) vals.append(obs.value) if not ints: return np.empty(shape=(0, 2), dtype=float), [] return np.array(ints), vals
[docs] def to_event_values(self): '''Extract observation data in a `mir_eval`-friendly format. Returns ------- times : np.ndarray [shape=(n,), dtype=float] Start-time of all observations labels : list List view of value field. ''' ints, vals = [], [] for obs in ints.append(obs.time) vals.append(obs.value) return np.array(ints), vals
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): '''Convert this annotation to a pandas dataframe. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame Columns are `time, duration, value, confidence`. Each row is an observation, and rows are sorted by ascending `time`. ''' return pd.DataFrame.from_records(list(, columns=['time', 'duration', 'value', 'confidence'])
[docs] def to_samples(self, times, confidence=False): '''Sample the annotation at specified times. Parameters ---------- times : np.ndarray, non-negative, ndim=1 The times (in seconds) to sample the annotation confidence : bool If `True`, return both values and confidences. If `False` (default) only return values. Returns ------- values : list `values[i]` is a list of observation values for intervals that cover `times[i]`. confidence : list (optional) `confidence` values corresponding to `values` ''' times = np.asarray(times) if times.ndim != 1 or np.any(times < 0): raise ParameterError('times must be 1-dimensional and non-negative') idx = np.argsort(times) samples = times[idx] values = [list() for _ in samples] confidences = [list() for _ in samples] for obs in start = np.searchsorted(samples, obs.time) end = np.searchsorted(samples, obs.time + obs.duration, side='right') for i in range(start, end): values[idx[i]].append(obs.value) confidences[idx[i]].append(obs.confidence) if confidence: return values, confidences else: return values
def __iter__(self): return iter(
[docs] def to_html(self, max_rows=None): '''Render this annotation list in HTML Returns ------- rendered : str An HTML table containing this annotation's data. ''' n = len( div_id = _get_divid(self) out = r''' <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="heading-{0}"> <button type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#{0}" aria-expanded="false" class="collapsed btn btn-info btn-block" aria-controls="{0}"> {1:s} <span class="badge pull-right">{2:d}</span> </button> </div>'''.format(div_id, self.namespace, n) out += r''' <div id="{0}" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading-{0}"> <div class="panel-body">'''.format(div_id) out += r'''<div class="pull-right"> {} </div>'''.format(self.annotation_metadata._repr_html_()) out += r'''<div class="pull-right clearfix"> {} </div>'''.format(self.sandbox._repr_html_()) # -- Annotation content starts here out += r'''<div><table border="1" class="dataframe"> <thead> <tr style="text-align: right;"> <th></th> <th>time</th> <th>duration</th> <th>value</th> <th>confidence</th> </tr> </thead>'''.format(self.namespace, n) out += r'''<tbody>''' if max_rows is None or n <= max_rows: out += self._fmt_rows(0, n) else: out += self._fmt_rows(0, max_rows//2) out += r'''<tr> <th>...</th> <td>...</td> <td>...</td> <td>...</td> <td>...</td> </tr>''' out += self._fmt_rows(n-max_rows//2, n) out += r'''</tbody>''' out += r'''</table></div>''' out += r'''</div></div></div>''' return out
def _fmt_rows(self, start, end): out = '' for i, obs in enumerate([start:end], start): out += r'''<tr> <th>{:d}</th> <td>{:0.3f}</td> <td>{:0.3f}</td> <td>{:}</td> <td>{:}</td> </tr>'''.format(i, obs.time, obs.duration, summary_html(obs.value), summary_html(obs.confidence)) return out def _repr_html_(self, max_rows=25): '''Render annotation as HTML. See also: `to_html()`''' return self.to_html(max_rows=max_rows) @property def __json__(self): return self.__json_light__(data=True) def __json_light__(self, data=True): r"""Return the JObject as a set of native data types for serialization. Note: attributes beginning with underscores are suppressed. """ filtered_dict = dict() for k, item in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): if k.startswith('_'): continue elif k == 'data': if data: filtered_dict[k] = self.__json_data__ else: filtered_dict[k] = [] elif hasattr(item, '__json__'): filtered_dict[k] = item.__json__ else: filtered_dict[k] = item return filtered_dict @property def __json_data__(self): r"""JSON-serialize the observation sequence.""" if schema.is_dense(self.namespace): dense_records = dict() for field in Observation._fields: dense_records[field] = [] for obs in for key, val in six.iteritems(obs._asdict()): dense_records[key].append(serialize_obj(val)) return dense_records else: return [serialize_obj(_) for _ in] @classmethod def _key(cls, obs): '''Provides sorting index for Observation objects''' if not isinstance(obs, Observation): raise JamsError('{} must be of type jams.Observation'.format(obs)) return obs.time
[docs]class Curator(JObject): """Curator Container object for curator metadata. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name='', email=''): """Create a Curator. Parameters ---------- name: str, default='' Common name of the curator. email: str, default='' An email address corresponding to the curator. """ super(Curator, self).__init__() = name = email
def _display_properties(self): return [('name', 'Name'), ('email', 'Email')]
[docs]class AnnotationMetadata(JObject): """AnnotationMetadata Data structure for metadata corresponding to a specific annotation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, curator=None, version='', corpus='', annotator=None, annotation_tools='', annotation_rules='', validation='', data_source=''): """Create an AnnotationMetadata object. Parameters ---------- curator: Curator, default=None Object documenting a name and email address for the person of correspondence. version: string, default='' Version of this annotation. annotator: dict, default=None Sandbox for information about the specific annotator, such as musical experience, skill level, principal instrument, etc. corpus: str, default='' Collection assignment. annotation_tools: str, default='' Description of the tools used to create the annotation. annotation_rules: str, default='' Description of the rules provided to the annotator. validation: str, default='' Methods for validating the integrity of the data. data_source: str, default='' Description of where the data originated, e.g. 'Manual Annotation'. """ super(AnnotationMetadata, self).__init__() if curator is None: curator = Curator() if annotator is None: annotator = JObject() self.curator = Curator(**curator) self.annotator = JObject(**annotator) self.version = version self.corpus = corpus self.annotation_tools = annotation_tools self.annotation_rules = annotation_rules self.validation = validation self.data_source = data_source
def _display_properties(self): return [('annotator', 'Annotator'), ('version', 'Version'), ('corpus', 'Corpus'), ('curator', 'Curator'), ('annotation_tools', 'Annotation tools'), ('annotation_rules', 'Annotation rules'), ('data_source', 'Data source'), ('validation', 'Validation')]
[docs]class FileMetadata(JObject): """Metadata for a given audio file."""
[docs] def __init__(self, title='', artist='', release='', duration=None, identifiers=None, jams_version=None): """Create a file-level Metadata object. Parameters ---------- title: str Name of the recording. artist: str Name of the artist / musician. release: str Name of the release duration: number >= 0 Time duration of the file, in seconds. identifiers : jams.Sandbox Sandbox of identifier keys (eg, musicbrainz ids) jams_version: str Version of the JAMS Schema. """ super(FileMetadata, self).__init__() if jams_version is None: jams_version = __VERSION__ if identifiers is None: identifiers = Sandbox() self.title = title self.artist = artist self.release = release self.duration = duration self.identifiers = Sandbox(**identifiers) self.jams_version = jams_version
def _display_properties(self): return [('artist', 'Artist'), ('title', 'Title'), ('release', 'Release'), ('duration', 'Duration (s)'), ('jams_version', 'JAMS version'), ('identifiers', 'Identifiers')]
[docs]class AnnotationArray(list): """AnnotationArray This list subclass provides serialization and search/filtering for annotation collections. Fancy-indexing can be used to directly search for annotations belonging to a particular namespace. Three types of indexing are supported: - integer or slice : acts just as in `list`, e.g., `arr[0]` or `arr[1:3]` - string : acts like a search, e.g., `arr['beat'] =='beat')` - (string, integer or slice) acts like a search followed by index/slice Examples -------- >>> # Retrieve the first annotation with simple indexing >>> ann = jam.annotations[0] >>> # Retrieve the first three annotations >>> anns = jam.annotations[:3] >>> # Retrieve a list of beat annotations >>> # equivalent to'beat') >>> beat_anns = jam.annotations['beat'] >>> # Retrieve the second beat annotation >>> # equivalent to'beat')[1] >>> beat2 = jam.annotations['beat', 1] >>> # Retrieve everything after the second salami annotation >>> seg_anns = jam.annotations['segment_salami_.*', 2:] """
[docs] def __init__(self, annotations=None): """Create an AnnotationArray. Parameters ---------- annotations: list List of Annotations, or appropriately formated dicts is consistent with Annotation. """ super(AnnotationArray, self).__init__() if annotations is None: annotations = list() self.extend([Annotation(**obj) for obj in annotations])
[docs] def search(self, **kwargs): '''Filter the annotation array down to only those Annotation objects matching the query. Parameters ---------- kwargs : search parameters See Returns ------- results : AnnotationArray An annotation array of the objects matching the query See Also -------- ''' results = AnnotationArray() for annotation in self: if**kwargs): results.append(annotation) return results
def __getitem__(self, idx): '''Overloaded getitem for syntactic search sugar''' # if we have only one argument, it can be an int, slice or query if isinstance(idx, (int, slice)): return list.__getitem__(self, idx) elif isinstance(idx, six.string_types) or six.callable(idx): return elif isinstance(idx, tuple): return[0])[idx[1]] raise IndexError('Invalid index: {}'.format(idx)) @property def __json__(self): return [item.__json__ for item in self]
[docs] def trim(self, start_time, end_time, strict=False): ''' Trim every annotation contained in the annotation array using `Annotation.trim` and return as a new `AnnotationArray`. See `Annotation.trim` for details about trimming. This function does not modify the annotations in the original annotation array. Parameters ---------- start_time : float The desired start time for the trimmed annotations in seconds. end_time The desired end time for trimmed annotations in seconds. Must be greater than ``start_time``. strict : bool When ``False`` (default) observations that lie at the boundaries of the trimming range (see `Annotation.trim` for details) will have their time and/or duration adjusted such that only the part of the observation that lies within the trim range is kept. When ``True`` such observations are discarded and not included in the trimmed annotation. Returns ------- trimmed_array : AnnotationArray An annotation array where every annotation has been trimmed. ''' trimmed_array = AnnotationArray() for ann in self: trimmed_array.append(ann.trim(start_time, end_time, strict=strict)) return trimmed_array
[docs] def slice(self, start_time, end_time, strict=False): ''' Slice every annotation contained in the annotation array using `Annotation.slice` and return as a new AnnotationArray See `Annotation.slice` for details about slicing. This function does not modify the annotations in the original annotation array. Parameters ---------- start_time : float The desired start time for slicing in seconds. end_time The desired end time for slicing in seconds. Must be greater than ``start_time``. strict : bool When ``False`` (default) observations that lie at the boundaries of the slicing range (see `Annotation.slice` for details) will have their time and/or duration adjusted such that only the part of the observation that lies within the trim range is kept. When ``True`` such observations are discarded and not included in the sliced annotation. Returns ------- sliced_array : AnnotationArray An annotation array where every annotation has been sliced. ''' sliced_array = AnnotationArray() for ann in self: sliced_array.append(ann.slice(start_time, end_time, strict=strict)) return sliced_array
def __repr__(self): n = len(self) if n == 1: return '[1 annotation]' else: return '[{:d} annotations]'.format(n) def _repr_html_(self): out = '' for ann in self: out += '<div class="panel-group">{}</div>'.format(ann._repr_html_()) return out
[docs]class JAMS(JObject): """Top-level Jams Object"""
[docs] def __init__(self, annotations=None, file_metadata=None, sandbox=None): """Create a Jams object. Parameters ---------- annotations : list of Annotations Zero or more Annotation objects file_metadata : FileMetadata (or dict), default=None Metadata corresponding to the audio file. sandbox : Sandbox (or dict), default=None Unconstrained global sandbox for additional information. """ super(JAMS, self).__init__() if file_metadata is None: file_metadata = FileMetadata() if sandbox is None: sandbox = Sandbox() self.annotations = AnnotationArray(annotations=annotations) self.file_metadata = FileMetadata(**file_metadata) self.sandbox = Sandbox(**sandbox)
def _display_properties(self): return [('file_metadata', 'File Metadata'), ('annotations', 'Annotations'), ('sandbox', 'Sandbox')] @property def __schema__(self): return schema.JAMS_SCHEMA
[docs] def add(self, jam, on_conflict='fail'): """Add the contents of another jam to this object. Note that, by default, this method fails if file_metadata is not identical and raises a ValueError; either resolve this manually (because conflicts should almost never happen), force an 'overwrite', or tell the method to 'ignore' the metadata of the object being added. Parameters ---------- jam: JAMS object Object to add to this jam on_conflict: str, default='fail' Strategy for resolving metadata conflicts; one of ['fail', 'overwrite', or 'ignore']. Raises ------ ParameterError if `on_conflict` is an unknown value JamsError If a conflict is detected and `on_conflict='fail'` """ if on_conflict not in ['overwrite', 'fail', 'ignore']: raise ParameterError("on_conflict='{}' is not in ['fail', " "'overwrite', 'ignore'].".format(on_conflict)) if not self.file_metadata == jam.file_metadata: if on_conflict == 'overwrite': self.file_metadata = jam.file_metadata elif on_conflict == 'fail': raise JamsError("Metadata conflict! " "Resolve manually or force-overwrite it.") self.annotations.extend(jam.annotations) self.sandbox.update(**jam.sandbox)
[docs] def search(self, **kwargs): '''Search a JAMS object for matching objects. Parameters ---------- kwargs : keyword arguments Keyword query Returns ------- AnnotationArray All annotation objects in this JAMS which match the query See Also -------- Examples -------- A simple query to get all beat annotations >>> beats ='beat') ''' return**kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, path_or_file, strict=True, fmt='auto'): """Serialize annotation as a JSON formatted stream to file. Parameters ---------- path_or_file : str or file-like Path to save the JAMS object on disk OR An open file descriptor to write into strict : bool Force strict schema validation fmt : str ['auto', 'jams', 'jamz'] The output encoding format. If `auto`, it is inferred from the file name. If the input is an open file handle, `jams` encoding is used. Raises ------ SchemaError If `strict == True` and the JAMS object fails schema or namespace validation. See also -------- validate """ self.validate(strict=strict) with _open(path_or_file, mode='w', fmt=fmt) as fdesc: json.dump(self.__json__, fdesc, indent=2)
[docs] def validate(self, strict=True): '''Validate a JAMS object against the schema. Parameters ---------- strict : bool If `True`, an exception will be raised on validation failure. If `False`, a warning will be raised on validation failure. Returns ------- valid : bool `True` if the object passes schema validation. `False` otherwise. Raises ------ SchemaError If `strict==True` and the JAMS object does not match the schema See Also -------- jsonschema.validate ''' valid = True try: jsonschema.validate(self.__json_light__, schema.JAMS_SCHEMA) for ann in self.annotations: if isinstance(ann, Annotation): valid &= ann.validate(strict=strict) else: msg = '{} is not a well-formed JAMS Annotation'.format(ann) valid = False if strict: raise SchemaError(msg) else: warnings.warn(str(msg)) except jsonschema.ValidationError as invalid: if strict: raise SchemaError(str(invalid)) else: warnings.warn(str(invalid)) valid = False return valid
[docs] def trim(self, start_time, end_time, strict=False): ''' Trim all the annotations inside the jam and return as a new `JAMS` object. See `Annotation.trim` for details about how the annotations are trimmed. This operation is also documented in the jam-level sandbox with a list keyed by ``JAMS.sandbox.trim`` containing a tuple for each jam-level trim of the form ``(start_time, end_time)``. This function also copies over all of the file metadata from the original jam. Note: trimming does not affect the duration of the jam, i.e. the value of ``JAMS.file_metadata.duration`` will be the same for the original and trimmed jams. Parameters ---------- start_time : float The desired start time for the trimmed annotations in seconds. end_time The desired end time for trimmed annotations in seconds. Must be greater than ``start_time``. strict : bool When ``False`` (default) observations that lie at the boundaries of the trimming range (see `Annotation.trim` for details), will have their time and/or duration adjusted such that only the part of the observation that lies within the trim range is kept. When ``True`` such observations are discarded and not included in the trimmed annotation. Returns ------- jam_trimmed : JAMS The trimmed jam with trimmed annotations, returned as a new JAMS object. ''' # Make sure duration is set in file metadata if self.file_metadata.duration is None: raise JamsError( 'Duration must be set (jam.file_metadata.duration) before ' 'trimming can be performed.') # Make sure start and end times are within the file start/end times if not (0 <= start_time <= end_time <= float( self.file_metadata.duration)): raise ParameterError( 'start_time and end_time must be within the original file ' 'duration ({:f}) and end_time cannot be smaller than ' 'start_time.'.format(float(self.file_metadata.duration))) # Create a new jams jam_trimmed = JAMS(annotations=None, file_metadata=self.file_metadata, sandbox=self.sandbox) # trim annotations jam_trimmed.annotations = self.annotations.trim( start_time, end_time, strict=strict) # Document jam-level trim in top level sandbox if 'trim' not in jam_trimmed.sandbox.keys(): jam_trimmed.sandbox.update( trim=[{'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time}]) else: jam_trimmed.sandbox.trim.append( {'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time}) return jam_trimmed
[docs] def slice(self, start_time, end_time, strict=False): ''' Slice all the annotations inside the jam and return as a new `JAMS` object. See `Annotation.slice` for details about how the annotations are sliced. This operation is also documented in the jam-level sandbox with a list keyed by ``JAMS.sandbox.slice`` containing a tuple for each jam-level slice of the form ``(start_time, end_time)``. Since slicing is implemented using trimming, the operation will also be documented in ``JAMS.sandbox.trim`` as described in `JAMS.trim`. This function also copies over all of the file metadata from the original jam. Note: slicing will affect the duration of the jam, i.e. the new value of ``JAMS.file_metadata.duration`` will be ``end_time - start_time``. Parameters ---------- start_time : float The desired start time for slicing in seconds. end_time The desired end time for slicing in seconds. Must be greater than ``start_time``. strict : bool When ``False`` (default) observations that lie at the boundaries of the slicing range (see `Annotation.slice` for details), will have their time and/or duration adjusted such that only the part of the observation that lies within the slice range is kept. When ``True`` such observations are discarded and not included in the sliced annotation. Returns ------- jam_sliced: JAMS The sliced jam with sliced annotations, returned as a new JAMS object. ''' # Make sure duration is set in file metadata if self.file_metadata.duration is None: raise JamsError( 'Duration must be set (jam.file_metadata.duration) before ' 'slicing can be performed.') # Make sure start and end times are within the file start/end times if (start_time < 0 or start_time > float(self.file_metadata.duration) or end_time < start_time or end_time > float(self.file_metadata.duration)): raise ParameterError( 'start_time and end_time must be within the original file ' 'duration ({:f}) and end_time cannot be smaller than ' 'start_time.'.format(float(self.file_metadata.duration))) # Create a new jams jam_sliced = JAMS(annotations=None, file_metadata=self.file_metadata, sandbox=self.sandbox) # trim annotations jam_sliced.annotations = self.annotations.slice( start_time, end_time, strict=strict) # adjust dutation jam_sliced.file_metadata.duration = end_time - start_time # Document jam-level trim in top level sandbox if 'slice' not in jam_sliced.sandbox.keys(): jam_sliced.sandbox.update( slice=[{'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time}]) else: jam_sliced.sandbox.slice.append( {'start_time': start_time, 'end_time': end_time}) return jam_sliced
@property def __json_light__(self): r"""Return the JObject as a set of native data types for serialization. Note: attributes beginning with underscores are suppressed. This also skips the `annotations` field, which will be validated separately. """ filtered_dict = dict() for k, item in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): if k.startswith('_') or k == 'annotations': continue if hasattr(item, '__json__'): filtered_dict[k] = item.__json__ else: filtered_dict[k] = serialize_obj(item) return filtered_dict
# -- Helper functions -- # def query_pop(query, prefix, sep='.'): '''Pop a prefix from a query string. Parameters ---------- query : str The query string prefix : str The prefix string to pop, if it exists sep : str The string to separate fields Returns ------- popped : str `query` with a `prefix` removed from the front (if found) or `query` if the prefix was not found Examples -------- >>> query_pop('Annotation.namespace', 'Annotation') 'namespace' >>> query_pop('namespace', 'Annotation') 'namespace' ''' terms = query.split(sep) if terms[0] == prefix: terms = terms[1:] return sep.join(terms) def match_query(string, query): '''Test if a string matches a query. Parameters ---------- string : str The string to test query : string, callable, or object Either a regular expression, callable function, or object. Returns ------- match : bool `True` if: - `query` is a callable and `query(string) == True` - `query` is a regular expression and `re.match(query, string)` - or `string == query` for any other query `False` otherwise ''' if six.callable(query): return query(string) elif (isinstance(query, six.string_types) and isinstance(string, six.string_types)): return re.match(query, string) is not None else: return query == string def serialize_obj(obj): '''Custom serialization functionality for working with advanced data types. - numpy arrays are converted to lists - lists are recursively serialized element-wise ''' if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() elif isinstance(obj, list): return [serialize_obj(x) for x in obj] elif isinstance(obj, Observation): return {k: serialize_obj(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(obj._asdict())} return obj def summary(obj, indent=0): '''Helper function to format repr strings for JObjects and friends. Parameters ---------- obj The object to repr indent : int >= 0 indent each new line by `indent` spaces Returns ------- r : str If `obj` has a `__summary__` method, it is used. If `obj` is a `SortedKeyList`, then it returns a description of the length of the list. Otherwise, `repr(obj)`. ''' if hasattr(obj, '__summary__'): rep = obj.__summary__() elif isinstance(obj, SortedKeyList): rep = '<{:d} observations>'.format(len(obj)) else: rep = repr(obj) return rep.replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * indent) def summary_html(obj): if hasattr(obj, '_repr_html_'): return obj._repr_html_() elif isinstance(obj, dict): out = '<table class="table"><tbody>' for key in obj: out += r''' <tr> <th scope="row">{0}</th> <td>{1}</td> </tr>'''.format(key, summary_html(obj[key])) out += '</tbody></table>' return out elif isinstance(obj, list): return ''.join([summary_html(x) for x in obj]) else: return str(obj) __DIVID_COUNT__ = 0 def _get_divid(obj): '''Static function to get a unique id for an object. This is used in HTML rendering to ensure unique div ids for each call to display an object''' global __DIVID_COUNT__ __DIVID_COUNT__ += 1 return '{}-{}'.format(id(obj), __DIVID_COUNT__)