
class jams.Curator(name='', email='')[source]

Bases: jams.core.JObject

Container object for curator metadata.

__init__(self, name='', email='')[source]

Create a Curator.

name: str, default=’‘

Common name of the curator.

email: str, default=’‘

An email address corresponding to the curator.


type The type (class name) of a derived JObject type


__init__(self[, name, email]) Create a Curator.
dumps(self, \*\*kwargs) Serialize the JObject to a string.
keys(self) Return a list of the attributes of the object.
loads(string) De-serialize a JObject
search(self, \*\*kwargs) Query this object (and its descendants).
update(self, \*\*kwargs) Update the attributes of a JObject.
validate(self[, strict]) Validate a JObject against its schema